Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Web Conference

I think that the web conference was incredibly helpful.  I was really confused about the way that we were supposed to do the homework assignment.  Within the web conference, Dr. Abernathy, helped me understand more information about what is expected of us.  I think that the web conferences are wonderful, because they really give us the chance to have more personal interaction with our peers and professors.  In an online edcational setting, it is sometimes hard to have that personal connection with others.  I really appreciate that the web conference was required.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Action Plan

My campus technology plan.

Stephanie Luke
EDLD 5352
Week 4
Campus Action Plan
Part 1:

Role and Responsibilities
Our Superintendent is the head of our entire district.  She oversees the mission and vision for all campuses.  She takes the lead in the technology initiatives.  She can put technology plans into motion and require them at each campus level.
District Staff
We have a central office that controls each campus at the corresponding levels.  Our district personnel, are sectioned off into three grade-level areas: elementary, intermediate, and secondary.  They are in charge of controlling the technology programs that are required by the Superintendent.  They create the curriculum that is sent out to the corresponding areas.  They make is feasible to include the technology in our set and stated instruction.
The principals serve as mini-superintendents for their schools.  They are the liaison between the district personnel and their staff.  When a technology initiative is put in place, the principals make sure that their campus is following the standard and applying the necessary technology.  The principals also meet together to make sure that they are all on the same page.  They are required to know what is expected of each campus, but to also understand their own campus and apply what is necessary to meet their needs.
Instructional Specialists
I see these people as the “right-hand man” to the principal.  They are supposed to make the principal’s job easier by giving the necessary support to the principals and staff.  This includes instruction and technology.  They are responsible for helping ease the transition of instruction and technology.  The role of an instructional specialist is constantly changing based on the current needs of the campus.
As an educator, my role is to include the required technology in as many areas as possible.  I strive to push my instruction to the next level and make sure that I am challenging my students each and every day.  Educators in our district are encouraged to use technology to raise the standard of their curriculum.  Although many technology activities are optional, it is the teacher’s responsibility to educate themselves on the various forms and implement them whenever possible.
Staff members, not including teachers, should also make sure that they are accustomed to using the technology available on our campus.  They need to make themselves aware of the implementations that we are attempting to ensure that our technology use is seamless.
Students and parents share an equal role in having an open mind with the concern of technology.  Students must make themselves open to using different forums for their homework assignments, and be willing to try new activities in the classroom.  Parents need to also accept the responsibilities that come with the use of technology.  This can be a scary thing for them to open their minds to, but the integration of technology in our classrooms is in-line with home use as well.

Part 2:

Analysis and lessons learned from Week 3:
Lessons learned from Week 3:
·         My campus struggles in the area of technology.
·         My campus scores have decreased in the past three years in relation to technology use and the overall feeling about the campus.
·         My campus does not integrate technology equally across the entire campus.
·         We struggle in following the district requirements set forth for our area.
·         Many teachers report that they do not feel adequately trained in the area of technology.
·         Many would benefit from more specialized technology focused professional developments.
Professional development designed to improve campus: (information gathering)
·         It is vital to gather the data in the system for our AEIS and TAKS scores to see where we can incorporate technology to increase performance. 
·         It is also necessary to include this data in the training.  Teachers and staff members need to comprehend the purpose behind the professional development to increase productivity.
Professional development to improve the integration of technology:
·         Create a survey to send out to all members involved.
·         Ask them which technology implementation they have personally struggled with in their own classrooms.
·          Ask the participants to be specific about why this is an area of need for them.
·         Ask how they can be helped in this area.
·         Create a professional development for each campus that identifies the area of need and focuses on it until the general comprehension is reached.

Part 3:

Use of data to improve technology plans:
·         The professional development activity will be created based off of district and campus data.
·         The data will help mold the questions on the survey to ensure that the teachers are answering questions about their use of technology in their specific courses.
·         The data will also be used to show how the incorporation of technology has raised or lowered the student performance.
·         The staff members will be encouraged to reply honestly to determine their specific areas of weakness in the comprehension levels of the given technology.
Assessment of professional development:
·         Before: the creation of the staff development will spin off of the answers from a required survey.  It will help administrators determine what the greatest area of need is and what type of professional development to hold on their campus.
·         During: The staff members who are leading the development, can ask informal questions and help mold the class to be beneficial for everyone involved.  This will help to ensure that all participants are getting something out of the staff development.  This will help the leader to feel confident that they have increased the comprehension levels in that specific goal area.
·         Another survey will answer questions about the specific professional development that occurred.  Was it beneficial?  Would they attend another session/Do they need to?  These types of questions will give us more data to determine how successful the session was for everyone involved.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Texas STaR Chart Powerpoint

Opinion piece

Based on the information gleaned from the STaR Chart, I think that it is pretty obvious that my school needs to make some improvements in several areas.  Our greatest area of weakness is in the area of Professional Growth and Leadership.  We scored a 70 which allowed for this area to be in the highest level of priority.  I think that we can do this as a district, though.  The entire district can make this area an opportunity.  Our growth needs to happen across the board; that is what will truly make a difference.  All of the other areas fall into the Mid-level of priority.  To me, this means that we can incorporate this into what we are already doing, but we need to rise to the challenge and increase our technology in the classroom.

Vision 2020

Vision 2020 is a grant that is funded to help increase the effectiveness of the teachers in our state.  Its ultimate purpose is to increase teacher effeteness and student learning. We recognize that there is a need for change involving technology in our state.  We also lead the country with our first state proposal for a technology change plan.  The first plan worked to keep us focused on a common goal and this one is supposed to do the same thing.   The 21st Century Learner is about developing students who can live and work successful in the society of their future.  We have to focus on the realities of what they will be expected to do in the real world.  This is why technology is such a huge part of this endeavor.  The 21st Century Learner is about developing students who can live and work successful in the society of their future.  We have to focus on the realities of what they will be expected to do in the real world.  This is why technology is such a huge part of this endeavor. Teachers believe that technology does in fact improve student learning.   This also helps teachers, because through the Vision, teachers are required to have access to computers or “wireless devices.”  This connectivity improves the effectiveness of the teacher as well.  One aspect that I felt a particular interest in was the aspect of virtual learning.  This is something that happens in many college settings, but I think that it is where we are headed as a society as well.  It is great that this is included in our plan.  There are leadership conferences that provide additional information for the teachers and administrators.  This allows them to get the information that they need to incorporate what they can on campus.  The Leadership conferences are also for the administrators.  This provides more information for all of the staff members involved.  They are using the results that they have already found in addition to continuing to monitor the success of the students.  The train-the-trainer model is being used to help train teachers on the technology.  We understand that if we want teachers to use the information, then we have to make it available to them and teach them how to use it.  We need increased support for all involved: students, staff, teachers, and parents.  We need the necessary materials in order to carry out the requests.  We need to be properly taught how to incorporate the technology to increase 21st Century Skills.